
Documents and forms that I use in my practice (easy to print):

  1. New Client Information Form (pdf)
    If you are a new client, you may print out this form to fill out before your first session.

  2. Personal Information Form – 4 pages (pdf)
    This is a personal history information form I ask each new client to prepare. You may also download this PDF file for your first session.

  3. Mental Health Treatment Agreement (pdf)
    This is a somewhat motley collection of ‘necessary stuff’ about how you behave and how I behave in ‘therapy’. When I wrote it, it seemed wise and important. Now that I look at it afterward, it’s kinda scattery. But for professional, ethical and even legal reasons, it’s necessary anyway.

  4. Couple Therapy – Statement of Understanding (pdf)
    This document is for couples coming in for therapy. It gives some important background and structure. You may download this, read it through, and bring it to your first session with your signatures. Or, if you wish, you can sign it at your first session

  5. Minor – New Client Information Sheet (pdf)
    If you are a bringing a child or adolescent for counseling, you may print out this form to fill out before your first session.

  6. Minor – Treatment Consent Form (pdf)
    This form gives legal permission for a minor child to receive counseling services.

Fenton Counseling & Therapy - Bill McDonald LMSW Counseling